credit cards help us to buy services and goods online. It provides interest
free or low interest cash at our disposal.
We should carefully manage
credit obtained by credit card to avoid getting into financial difficulty
Cash back on purchases
excting offers on movie ticket bookings online
shopping etc
reward points
fuel surcharge waiver.
some financial institutions are offering free credit cards without annual
payment fees of any kind
1. LIC credit card : for lic life insurance agents
and lic life insurance holders
2. Kisan credit card : for agriculture card for fixed deposit holders
: for customers having fixed deposits in banks
This credit card is offered for agricultural purposes
credit upto 3 lakhs
rupees is provided the subsidised interest rate is 4 percent.
to avail for this
facility the applicant should have agricultural land in their name
nearest scheduled bank. An agriculture officer from the bank may come to the
premises to check the land usage. This loan can be availed for animal
husbandary and other agricultural practices apart from farming.
loans can be availed from credit card.
The Reserve Bank of India encourages cardholders to tokenise their
cards for their own safety. Credit cardholders’ payment experience will be enhanced
through an added layer of security by way of tokenisation.