President's Trophy Boat Race
will be held on November 1st 2014 on the Asramam creek of the Ashtamudi Lake

14 snake-boats had registered for the race so far. The boats are Devadas, Karichal, Ayaparambu, Vellankulangara, Chambakulam, Karuvatta Srvinayakan, Karuvatta Puthen Chunden, Cheruthana, Saint Pious, Mahadevan, Paipadan, Anari Puthen Chunden, and Jawahar Thayankari.


Forty-eight boats of various categories, including 16 snake-boats, will be competing in the race. In the snake-boat category the boats winning the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places will be given a cash prize of Rs.1,50,000, Rs.1,25,000, Rs.1,00,000 and Rs.75,000 respectively.








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